Campaign copy and sharing?

Posted in CategoryFeature Requests
  • Sileflas 4 years ago
    I'm currently compiling a comprehensive set of campaign notes and connections for the Curse of Strahd campaign and wondered if there was a way to share the end product with others on this site?
    Seems like such a large amount of time spent making all these entries and connections should be rewarded by allowing others to enjoy the final product.

    I'm currently compiling a comprehensive set of campaign notes and connections for the Curse of Strahd campaign and wondered if there was a way to share the end product with others on this site?

    Seems like such a large amount of time spent making all these entries and connections should be rewarded by allowing others to enjoy the final product.

  • Admin Electrum Member 4 years ago
    There isn't currently a way to share these with others on the site, but I plan on adding that feature soon.  And I completely agree, a lot of time goes into creating these campaign notes and connections, so the ability to share should be implempented.
    I'll be sure to reach back out when I get closer to having something in the works, to get some feedback on the changes.


    There isn't currently a way to share these with others on the site, but I plan on adding that feature soon. And I completely agree, a lot of time goes into creating these campaign notes and connections, so the ability to share should be implempented.

    I'll be sure to reach back out when I get closer to having something in the works, to get some feedback on the changes.

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