Admin Electrum Member 2 years ago
Hello Everyone! I have a new idea for a tool that I wanted to build out and was hoping to get peoples thoughts on it. I have the capability to build out a token builder tool and wanted to gauge the interest in a tool like this. So these tokens would be custom drawn. For simplicity, think player characters, different races. with the ability to swap out weapons / sheilds, and other bits to create the look that you want in a top down token. Then you would have the ability to change the colors of these tokens to fit whatever color scheme you would like. What are your guys thoughts on this?
Hello Everyone!
I have a new idea for a tool that I wanted to build out and was hoping to get peoples thoughts on it. I have the capability to build out a token builder tool and wanted to gauge the interest in a tool like this.
So these tokens would be custom drawn. For simplicity, think player characters, different races. with the ability to swap out weapons / sheilds, and other bits to create the look that you want in a top down token. Then you would have the ability to change the colors of these tokens to fit whatever color scheme you would like. What are your guys thoughts on this?
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