Merlingus 2 weeks ago
if campain items was added with multiple parts with images and then later a part was changed the images of unchanged parts will be lost after Update. Step to Reproduce: A create item 1. Create an campain item 2 Add 3 other parts 3. Add images to all 4 parts B change item 1. change something on part (e.g part 2 text / visibility) cluck update Expected result: No other things changed changed real Result: image of unchanged parts in this session will be lost (e.g in case of part2 images of part1, part3, part4)
if campain items was added with multiple parts with images and then later a part was changed the images of unchanged parts will be lost after Update. Step to Reproduce: A create item 1. Create an campain item 2 Add 3 other parts 3. Add images to all 4 parts B change item 1. change something on part (e.g part 2 text / visibility) cluck update Expected result: No other things changed changed real Result: image of unchanged parts in this session will be lost (e.g in case of part2 images of part1, part3, part4)
Merlingus 2 weeks ago
It seems a little bit different: the 1st Part(main essential Part) and additional Parts(>=2) has different behaviour. * **Main Part has no image loosing Problem on changes** on its image but iamges on **additional Parts are lost on changes without adding them again**. * 2nd Part an higher has the Problem l**oosing images on making changes** to the item without adding the images again. T**he image of main will not go lost whatever other thigs changed !!** **So a workaround is on every change is to add all images again on multi-part items !!!** But I hope this could be fixed soon.
It seems a little bit different: the 1st Part(main essential Part) and additional Parts(>=2) has different behaviour.
Main Part has no image loosing Problem on changes on its image but iamges on additional Parts are lost on changes without adding them again.
2nd Part an higher has the Problem loosing images on making changes to the item without adding the images again. The image of main will not go lost whatever other thigs changed !!
So a workaround is on every change is to add all images again on multi-part items !!!
But I hope this could be fixed soon.