Lets give some love!

Posted in CategoryGeneral
  • MaxineWolph Electrum Member 3 years ago
    I just found this website tonight and it is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Props to the creator(s)!
    Extremely impressed with what you have done here, happily subbed on patreon and I encourage others who are able to do the same.  This is some seriously great programming here and a wonderful gift to the community :)

    I just found this website tonight and it is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Props to the creator(s)!

    Extremely impressed with what you have done here, happily subbed on patreon and I encourage others who are able to do the same. This is some seriously great programming here and a wonderful gift to the community :)

  • Admin Electrum Member 3 years ago
    I appreciate the kind words! I work really hard on this site, so hearing that you find it useful means a lot! I have a lot of ideas for features to add in the future and your support really helps to drive them forward.


    I appreciate the kind words! I work really hard on this site, so hearing that you find it useful means a lot! I have a lot of ideas for features to add in the future and your support really helps to drive them forward.

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