Posted by Gautamrajulu 3 years agoFeature RequestsIs it possible to add a feature to create subcategories or folders within individual topics?
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Some trouble
Posted by Jacob Curtis 3 years agoGeneralIt seems whenever I press on any of the icons (Locations, Villains and others) It doesn't show up with anything, is this supposed to happen or is something broken?
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multiple images
Posted by DymondY2k 3 years agoGeneralSo I was trying to upload an image and it wasn't moving to the upper box after it successfully uploaded. Then I went back in a minute later and I have 4 images of the same thing.. Is there a way to re...
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Campaign copy and sharing?
Posted by Sileflas 3 years agoFeature RequestsI'm currently compiling a comprehensive set of campaign notes and connections for the Curse of Strahd campaign and wondered if there was a way to share the end product with others on this site? Seems ...
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Connection Issues
Posted by Jedico 3 years agoFeature RequestsViewing all connections doesn't work as you start to add more organizations, they stack on top of each other and become unreadable. It's all a flat line and the connecting lines cover each other. Ther...
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Is there a way to see all conections ?
Posted by Uedons 4 years agoGeneralAs stated above, is ther a way to see a general graph of what is connected to what without having a point that's connected to literally everything ?
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Photos see through ?
Posted by Jademoonrabbit 4 years agoGeneralThe photos are suddenly see through? Is there a way to fix this or is this a glitch?
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Who Do I talk to About the Greek Pantheon?
Posted by Jonathon Wilder 4 years agoGeneralThe one here on the site, Greek Pantheon. Where I mainly want to content Hades being put as Lawful Evil, arguing Lawful Neutral, especially when compared to Zeus, which is shown as True Neutral despit...
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Notes error
Posted by NebulaNu 4 years agoGeneralI attempted to have a player add a test note. After clicking delete, it didn't actually delete. Trying to edit it again goes to a "500 Whoops, something went wrong on our servers."
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Issue with viewing connection descriptions
Posted by Icaruslittle 4 years agoGeneralHello, I'm having so trouble viewing the descriptions for the connections. I made a a connection between 2 organisation items and in the description, I added detail about how they were connected, but ...