Adding Spells
Posted by EEL 3 years agoGeneralHow do I add spells/cantrips to the character sheets that are no available in the search? As in, how can I add descriptions of what those spells do. The whole setup of the spells page is kind of confu...
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Sharing Campaigns with non-members
Posted by AntDM 3 years agoGeneralHi. Sorry if I've missed this. Is there a way to share a campaign and its contents with someone who isn't a player in the campaign? Would making that individual a "DM" in the campaign be the...
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Timeline Creator
Posted by Adenawolf 3 years agoFeature RequestsHi All! Love the site, it's so helpful for my first time as a GM, especially since I'm doing a homebrew! Is it possible to create a timeline page? Something so that we can sort our events by plot-orde...
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Visual Assets
Posted by Admin 3 years agoGeneralHello All! I've been working on building out the Resources section of the site, to provide some additional creative assets for people to use including some maps, tokens, artwork, etc. Is there anythin...
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5e Character Creator
Posted by Admin 3 years agoFeature RequestsHello! I've recently been looking into the effort it would take to create a 5e character creator tool and wanted to gauge the interest. Is this something you would like to see? If so is there any feat...
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Text formatting not saving
Posted by PaisleySleeves 3 years agoGeneralI have added some locations with descriptions to my campaign and I have some text that I will only read to the players under certain given circumstances, so I formatted this text differently to the ma...
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Creating a New Race category?
Posted by MissDawn 3 years agoFeature RequestsIs it possible to create a new race category for a homebrew campaign? I am brand-new to doing this, and cannot find a way to accomplish this task. Is there a way to do this?
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Posted by Gautamrajulu 3 years agoFeature RequestsIs it possible to add a feature to create subcategories or folders within individual topics?
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Some trouble
Posted by Jacob Curtis 3 years agoGeneralIt seems whenever I press on any of the icons (Locations, Villains and others) It doesn't show up with anything, is this supposed to happen or is something broken?
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multiple images
Posted by DymondY2k 3 years agoGeneralSo I was trying to upload an image and it wasn't moving to the upper box after it successfully uploaded. Then I went back in a minute later and I have 4 images of the same thing.. Is there a way to re...