Freebie Friday - The Fallen Dwarf

Posted on Aug 23, 2024 by Admin

Monsters Tokens

Fallen Dwarf on Cave Floor

In the dim light of the cave, your lantern casts long shadows across the uneven ground, illuminating the rocky path ahead. The air is cool and still, with the distant sound of water dripping echoing softly through the tunnels. As you navigate the narrow passage, your gaze falls upon a figure lying motionless on the cave floor.

A dwarf, clad in sturdy traveling clothes and armor, lies face down on the cold stone. His broad back is covered by a well-worn backpack, the straps still secured over his shoulders. The pack appears full, with various supplies tucked inside—coils of rope, a rolled-up bedroll, and a small cooking pot hanging from the side. It’s clear that this dwarf was a seasoned traveler, prepared for the challenges of the road.

His strong arms are outstretched, as if he had been reaching forward in his final moments. The axe he carried rests just beyond his fingertips, its handle worn smooth from years of use. Though his face is hidden from view, there’s a sense of determination and resilience in the way he lies, as if he had been on an important quest.

The cave around him is quiet and reverent, the soft glow of your lantern highlighting the scene with a gentle, respectful light. The dwarf’s journey has come to an end in this lonely place, but there is no sense of despair—only the quiet stillness of a life well-lived, now at rest.

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All of our Freebie Friday tokens can be found on our resources page.

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Shout-out to @jonann_art who created the token. Find him here.

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