Giant Fire Beetle Token

Posted on Apr 10, 2023 by Admin

Monsters Tokens

Giant Fire Beetle Token

The party had been hired by the local miners' guild to explore a deep and treacherous cave system in search of valuable ores and gems. The guild had warned them about the dangers of the cave, including unstable caverns, poisonous gas pockets, and dangerous creatures. The party had come prepared with torches and weapons, but they knew that the cave held many surprises. As they made their way deeper into the cave, they stumbled upon a swarm of giant fire beetles. The beetles were attracted to the party's light sources and began to swarm around them.

The beetles were the size of small dogs and glowed with an intense red-orange light, illuminating the cavern walls around them. Their carapaces were black and shiny, and their wings were a translucent orange.

What will your players do?

As usual all tokens can be found on the resources page of the site here:

Happy Questing!