Monster Monday - Hill Giant

Posted on Sep 2, 2024 by Admin

Monsters Tokens

Hill Giant in a Forest

The forest trembles underfoot as a massive figure emerges from the dense undergrowth, towering over the trees around it. A hill giant, its hulking form nearly as wide as it is tall, strides through the forest with heavy, earth-shaking steps. The giant’s skin is rough and weathered, a deep, stony gray that blends almost seamlessly with the rocky hills it likely calls home.

The hill giant’s thick, muscular arms swing at its sides, one hand gripping a huge, gnarled wooden club. The club, as thick as a tree trunk, is covered in jagged knots and splinters, a crude but devastatingly effective weapon. Each swing of the giant’s arm sends the club crashing through branches and foliage, leaving a path of destruction in its wake.

The giant’s clothes are nothing more than a patchwork of animal hides and rough-spun cloth, haphazardly stitched together and draped over its massive frame. Bones and crude trinkets hang from its belt, trophies of past conquests or simple decorations to the giant’s simple mind.

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All of our Monster Monday tokens can be found on our resources page here.

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Shout-out to @jonann_art who created the token. Find him here.

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