Orca Tokens

Posted on Jun 5, 2023 by Admin

Monsters Tokens

Orca Tokens

The party arrived in a small coastal village surrounded by a dense fog, with rumors of strange sightings in the waters surrounding the area. The locals were convinced that the sightings were of the god of the underworld, Orcus, and that he was coming to take their souls.

As the party began to investigate, they discovered that the supposed sightings were actually of a large orca that had taken up residence in the nearby waters. The locals, however, were not convinced, and believed that the orca was actually a divine being and a sign of an impending apocalypse.

As the party was exploring the village, they suddenly heard a commotion coming from the harbor. Rushing to investigate, they saw that the orca had become trapped in a fishing net and was struggling to free itself. The villagers were in a state of panic, convinced that this was the end of days.

The party quickly realized that they had to act fast before the villagers did something drastic. They knew that orcas were highly intelligent creatures and that the creature was likely just disoriented and scared. However, they also knew that they had to act carefully as the villagers were on the verge of hysteria.

The party would have to find a way to free the orca from the net and calm it down, all while convincing the villagers that it was not Orcus, but just a magnificent creature of the sea.

As usual all tokens can be found on the resources page of the site here: https://dndcampaignplanner.com/resources

Happy Questing!