Admin Electrum Member 2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! that should be something i can take a look at and adjust. I'll take a look at the bolding as well, see if there is anything I can do there.
Thanks for the feedback! that should be something i can take a look at and adjust. I'll take a look at the bolding as well, see if there is anything I can do there.
Admin Electrum Member 2 years ago
@Snowspartandl, Are there specific things you find yourself needing regularly when editing? I'm thinking of doing to floating menu bar that appears when you select text that has a few different editing options. This feels like it will work a little better on mobile then the sticky menu.
Are there specific things you find yourself needing regularly when editing? I'm thinking of doing to floating menu bar that appears when you select text that has a few different editing options. This feels like it will work a little better on mobile then the sticky menu.
Snowspartandl Gold Member 2 years ago
I think it's mostly the Line Break element. Most of the others can be handled with keyboard shortcuts.
I think it's mostly the Line Break element. Most of the others can be handled with keyboard shortcuts.
Snowspartandl Gold Member 2 years ago
Request: I cannot have two notes with the same name. If I attempt to create a note that already exists I should be taken to existing note.
Request: I cannot have two notes with the same name. If I attempt to create a note that already exists I should be taken to existing note.
Snowspartandl Gold Member 2 years ago
Request: I want my notes to autosave if no modifications have happened to the doc in 5 minutes and I haven't manually saved.
Request: I want my notes to autosave if no modifications have happened to the doc in 5 minutes and I haven't manually saved.
HumbleAdjudicator 2 years ago
I'd really love to be able to reorganize the categories and I'd like to be able to remove the "All" category or put it at the end of my tabs, instead of at the beginning. This is an amazing resource and thank you for creating it!
I'd really love to be able to reorganize the categories and I'd like to be able to remove the "All" category or put it at the end of my tabs, instead of at the beginning. This is an amazing resource and thank you for creating it!
Snowspartandl Gold Member 2 years ago
1. Reorder notes a. It would be nice to reoder the notes to keep them grouped together by likeness. 2. Put notes in folders / categorize them. a. It would be nice to organize notes into seperate groups. i.e "Session Notes" "Campaign A" "Campaign B". This way it they are easier to view and search.
- Reorder notes a. It would be nice to reoder the notes to keep them grouped together by likeness.
- Put notes in folders / categorize them. a. It would be nice to organize notes into seperate groups. i.e "Session Notes" "Campaign A" "Campaign B". This way it they are easier to view and search.
Admin Electrum Member 2 years ago
@Snowspartandl, Thanks for all of the feedback! I'll be taking a look at the notes section soon and should be able to incorporate all of your feedback! I intend to add some setting around notes that will allow users to toggle some of the suggestions you have included above on or off. @HumbleAdjudicator, sorry for the delayed response. I think having the ability to reorganize and/or hide the "All" categories tab is an awesome idea, that should be something that I can add in fairly easily :)
@Snowspartandl, Thanks for all of the feedback!
I'll be taking a look at the notes section soon and should be able to incorporate all of your feedback! I intend to add some setting around notes that will allow users to toggle some of the suggestions you have included above on or off.
@HumbleAdjudicator, sorry for the delayed response. I think having the ability to reorganize and/or hide the "All" categories tab is an awesome idea, that should be something that I can add in fairly easily :)
Admin Electrum Member 2 years ago
@Snowspartandl 1. There is now a setting in notes to toggle the ability to have 2 notes with the same name. This will allow you to prevent a note with the same name and campaign connection to have the same name. it functions similar to how you requested above. This setting can be found in the notes section. 2. There is now a setting to toggle on or off autosave for notes. This is enabled by default. 3. I updated to give 2 different notes view. First is the original list view. Second is a view where the notes are grouped by campaign. This can be togglable via the new notes settings. I may look into giving more organization customization options but this seemed like a good middle ground. @HumbleAdjudicator 1. There is now the ability to toggle on or off the "All" tab. Currently it will only ever display at the front of the list, this is something I'll look at updating in the future to give more customization for. 2. Categories can be reorganized now. This is something that I had been meaning to do for a while. This got grouped into the patreon group of features, as it seemed like a good one to put into that group. If subbed, you have the ability to drag the categories and reorganize them.
- There is now a setting in notes to toggle the ability to have 2 notes with the same name. This will allow you to prevent a note with the same name and campaign connection to have the same name. it functions similar to how you requested above. This setting can be found in the notes section.
- There is now a setting to toggle on or off autosave for notes. This is enabled by default.
- I updated to give 2 different notes view. First is the original list view. Second is a view where the notes are grouped by campaign. This can be togglable via the new notes settings. I may look into giving more organization customization options but this seemed like a good middle ground.
- There is now the ability to toggle on or off the "All" tab. Currently it will only ever display at the front of the list, this is something I'll look at updating in the future to give more customization for.
- Categories can be reorganized now. This is something that I had been meaning to do for a while. This got grouped into the patreon group of features, as it seemed like a good one to put into that group. If subbed, you have the ability to drag the categories and reorganize them.
Snowspartandl Gold Member 2 years ago
I love the note updates, it definately fixes some of my problems. I'm still having some painpoints, though, it's probably because I didn't explain my problem well enough. I'll attach an image present the problem statement again.  I DM two campaigns in the same world, usually in different regions, but sometimes they overlap with gameplay and lore. In order to reduce inconsistencies between lore having two seperate worlds in CP I use just one. My session preps are in the notes and sometime secrets or a list of threads the party has started and how they've impacted them. In the image, you can see I have each campaign's abbreviation along with the date. When I have a note that doesn't align it can get hidden in a long list. It would be nice to sort this list. Perhaps another togglable option for alphanumeric sorting?
I love the note updates, it definately fixes some of my problems. I'm still having some painpoints, though, it's probably because I didn't explain my problem well enough. I'll attach an image present the problem statement again.
I DM two campaigns in the same world, usually in different regions, but sometimes they overlap with gameplay and lore. In order to reduce inconsistencies between lore having two seperate worlds in CP I use just one. My session preps are in the notes and sometime secrets or a list of threads the party has started and how they've impacted them. In the image, you can see I have each campaign's abbreviation along with the date. When I have a note that doesn't align it can get hidden in a long list. It would be nice to sort this list.
Perhaps another togglable option for alphanumeric sorting?